Belgian offers fresh potted Herbs throughout the year! Our largest selection is available in spring; during May and June we receive so many pots every week that we have to use an Annual greenhouse to hold them all! During this peak season is when we carry numerous varieties of Basil, Sage, Mint, Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano, Parsley, and Chives, along with specialty varieties like Stevia, Pineapple Sage, Tarragon, and more! During summer, fall, and winter, a select assortment of favourites can be found in the Tropical Greenhouse. Mixed Herb planters are available throughout the year.
Herbs are often planted outdoors in gardens, window boxes, and planters around the end of May once the threat of frost has passed; placing a mixed Herb planter near your back door makes it easy to snip a few stems to add to your favourite dishes! All Herbs need Full to Part Sun, at least 4 hours in the afternoon every day, to thrive and grow over the summer. Allow the soil to dry slightly between watering and fertilize every two weeks. Use your Herbs throughout the summer and fall, then harvest the plants and freeze/dry them for the winter months.
Herbs cannot tolerate frost or cold temperatures below 10°C! Keep them indoors with adequate light, water, and warmth until the day and night temperatures remain above this point.
Herbs can also be grown indoors throughout the year! Just make sure that they get plenty of light, water them as needed and fertilize occasionally. Some prefer to start Herbs by seed, which can also be done successfully year-round. Our seed racks are also an excellent source for many different Herb varieties; available January through August, with select assortment during the rest of the year.
Click Here to Search for More Information about Herb Varieties

Success with Herbs – Care & Tips:
Click Here to Download our Herb Care Pamphlet!
Light: Herbs require a Full Sun to Partial Sun location. Outdoors, most Herbs prefer to be planted where they will receive at least 4 hours of direct afternoon sunlight.
Soil: For Herbs in planters or other containers, only use good quality potting soil. For Herbs in garden beds, give your plants a nutrient-rich growing sit by amending the existing soil by mixing in several inches of 3/1 (Triple) Mix, Garden Soil, and/or Manure. Peat Moss can also be added, which is especially helpful for gardens with heavy clay or sandy soils.
Watering: Herbs in planter pots or window boxes will dry out faster than those in garden beds, so be prepared to water them more frequently. Allow containers to dry slightly then water deeply, until you see liquid coming out the bottom of the pot through its drainage holes. Never let the pots sit in water and avoid allowing them to dry completely. During the summer when days are long and hot, you will need to water more frequently – at least once or even twice a day.
For Herbs in the garden bed, water deeply right after planting. Check plants daily, water deeply as needed and do not allow them to dry out or wilt.
Fertilizer: We recommend using an all-purpose water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks for outdoor Herbs in the garden or in pots. For Herbs in garden beds, you can use a slow release granular fertilizer once or twice during the growing season; compost and/or Manure can also be added to the soil. Fish emulsion fertilizer is another beneficial alternative; just follow the directions on the container.
Pruning: Trim Herbs regularly to maintain full and lush plants, and then use the cuttings in the kitchen or on the barbeque! Some Herbs will benefit from removing flower buds as they start to grow; this allows your plant to put more energy towards growing new leaves that can be used for cooking.
Repotting: When repotting your Herbs into containers, only use good quality potting soil as garden soils are too heavy for container planting. Simply remove the plants from the pots, set it in the new pot and fill the remaining area with soil, making sure to keep the soil level constant.
Herb Tips: Protect Herbs from frost! Do not plant outdoors until the end of May when the chance of frost has passed; check weather reports daily. For more information see our Annual Frost Tips, click here.
Use your Herbs though out the summer and fall, then harvest the plants and freeze or dry them for the winter months.
During the short winter months, most potted Herbs do not grow as vigorously as in the long days of summer, and many varieties will complete their growing cycle during spring and summer. For best results, purchase new plants or seed varieties every few months for fresh flavour through the fall and winter seasons.

Growing Herbs Indoors
Light: Herbs require a Full to Partial Sun location. When growing Herbs indoors, place them in a sunny window where they will receive a minimum of 4 hours of direct sun every day. Try to give your Herbs as much light as possible during the shorter days of fall and winter months; using a grow light for several hours each day can help to supplement the decreased energy levels.
Watering: Allow Herbs to dry slightly then water thoroughly. Never let the pots sit in water and avoid allowing them to dry completely. During the summer when days are long and hot, you may need to water pots and planters more frequently.
Fertilizer: Use an all-purpose water-soluble fertilizer once a month for indoor Herbs. Fish emulsion fertilizer is another alternative, just following the directions on the container.
Pruning: Trim Herbs regularly to maintain full and lush plants, and then use the cuttings in the kitchen or on the barbeque! This will allow your plant to put more energy towards growing new leaves that can be used for cooking; it will also help to keep it compact and bushy rather than growing too tall and floppy.
Repotting: When repotting your Herbs for indoors, only use good quality potting mix. Simply remove the plant from the pot, set it in the new pot and fill the remaining area with soil, making sure to keep the soil level constant. For individual plants choose a pot that is no more than one size larger than the current pot size, as planting into too large of a pot could lead to uneven drying and root rot. Mixed Herb planters are also great for indoors: choose 3 or 4 of your favourite Herbs for a shallow or bowl-shaped pot which measures about 10” to 12” in diameter; if planting Mint, all varieties are vigorous growers and should be kept in individual pots.
Herb Tips: You can repot and bring your Herbs indoors once the weather starts to cool, but they may struggle and weaken with the change in location. For indoor Herb selections, it’s best to start fresh with new herbs from the greenhouse. Place them in the brightest spot in your home, and rotate the pots every few days to ensure even growth. The shorter days and lower light levels found in fall and winter mean less energy and less leaf production for Herbs; supplementing with a grow light will help, though you may still need to replace your Herbs every few months for continual fresh flavours. Click Here to read more about growing Herbs indoors!

Uses for Herbs
Fresh Herbs have many uses! Not only do they look great, they are fantastic for cooking, baking, marinades, throwing in salads, and using on the barbeque. You can even make delicious herbal teas!

Culinary Herbs – basil, bay laurel, chervil, chives, coriander/cilantro, dill, fennel, garlic, lemongrass, lovage, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, savory, tarragon, thyme, lemon verbena
Tea Herbs – catnip, chamomile, lemon balm, lemongrass, mint, rosemary, stevia, lemon verbena
Salad Herbs – basilo, chervil, chives, coriander/cilantro, dill, french sorrel, garlic, lovage, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, savory, tarragon
BBQ Herbs – basil, chives, garlic, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme
Drying Herbs
Air drying herbs is easy and inexpensive. To preserve the best flavour, allow them to dry naturally or use a food dehydrator. Cut a few branches of your favorite herbs, shake to remove unwanted dirt or insects, then hang upside down in a warm airy room for a few weeks until all the moisture is gone and the leaves are crispy. Once your herbs are fully dried, label and store them in air tight containers and place in a cool, dry location away from sunlight. Store whole and crush them as you need them to preserve the flavour.
Remember: 1 tsp crushed dried leaves = approx. 1 tbsp of fresh herbs!

Attracting Hummingbirds & Butterflies with Herbs
Butterflies are attracted by scent, and some flowers send out a more pleasing perfume than others. Hummingbirds are attracted visually, and especially like certain shades of red. Many red coloured flowers are good sources of nectar.
Butterflies and Hummingbirds may appear as soon as your flowers open, or it may take them a while to find your garden. If you don’t see them there’s no need to worry, simply enjoy the beautiful flowers in the meantime!
A majority of the plants that attract Butterflies and Hummingbirds prefer Full Sun for most of the day, so it is best to choose a sunny location for your pollinator garden. If your location is Partial Shade, afternoon sun would be preferred over morning sun. Shade created from a tree is suitable, as long as there is more sun than shade.
Attracting Hummingbirds and Butterflies with Herbs is easy, inexpensive, and yummy! Just like Perennials and Annual varieties, the bright colours and fragrances of Herbs are very effective attractants; they’re also a great source of nutrition for your visiting friends, and can be started by seed or purchased as mature plants.
Hummingbirds are attracted to certain Herb flowers, such as Sage and Hyssop, which offer tubular flowers for their elongated beaks. Butterflies are also attracted to most flowering Herbs, but if you really want to entice them to your garden try growing “host” or “nursery” plants: these are specific varieties that adult Butterflies use to lay their eggs and future caterpillars will eat as their main food supply. Providing Herb varieties will ensure caterpillars in your garden, which will then turn into Butterflies! Some great choices are: Chives, Garlic Chives, Dill, Parsley, Fennel, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Hyssop, and Mint.
Tips about Butterflies:
Butterflies are the adult stage of the caterpillar. These beneficial insects will eat the leaves of certain plants, which may give them a less than appealing state but remember: *No Caterpillars = No Butterflies*
Whenever possible, keep future generations of Butterflies safe by avoiding the use of insecticides in your gardens.
Provide a safe home for these fluttering beauties by planting a range of food sources and host plants for their eggs; this is a great project for kids to learn the life cycle of such fascinating creatures!