Our Decorative Pot Shop, located in Greenhouse #3, offers a large selection of pots, saucers, and pot covers available in an array of sizes, styles, and colours. Choose from ceramic, clay, and basic plastic growers’ pots, as well as window boxes and planters.
Decorative ceramic pots are great for Houseplants, Cacti, dish gardens, and indoor arrangements. Many are perfect for using outdoors for the summer, whether transporting your Tropical Houseplants outside or planting Herbs and Vegetables in containers. Be sure to bring your ceramic and clay pots inside before winter arrives; any water inside the pot will freeze and expand, which could crack and damage the pot. Store your pots in a protected shelter, such as inside your house, garage, or shed, or under a cover where they will not be exposed to snow and ice.

When choosing your pots check to ensure it has drainage, as this allows excess water to flow out the bottom and away from roots. Not all pots come with drainage holes – use these indoors either as a pot cover with a smaller pot inside, or with a layer of stones to give water a place to sit away from plant roots. When planting directly into a pot that has no drainage holes, water carefully!
Browse through our Decorative Pot Shop, as well as the Tropical greenhouses, to find the perfect pots to finish off your personal “jungle”.