Flowering Tropical Houseplants
When it comes to Tropical Houseplants, we often go for beautiful foliage and texture that can be enjoyed in our homes year round. And then there are those bloomers that just make you stop in your tracks and say “WOW!” and you don’t care if it says “high maintenance” or “extra attention” because you just have to have it in your life! And chances are you can, so long as you can give it that extra bit of attention and care to get those gorgeous blooms to pop. Tip: Most flowering tropicals love the sun, so giving them a bright spot with at least 4 hours of direct sunlight every day will make your job a lot easier. And since our northern climate isn’t Florida or the Carolinas, you can expect your flowering tropicals to take a well-deserved rest through the fall and winter.
Possibly the most spectacular and dependable of all the flowering tropicals! It grows pretty much however it wants, but will go upright when given a support like bamboo poles. Its arching branches are tipped with clusters of vibrant tissue-paper flowers in shades of hot pink, purple, or even orange. Blooms will only appear on new growth, so pruning after flowering will ensure a healthy dose of bright colour while also controlling those ever-extending branches. Let it dry slightly between deep waterings, and mist daily for extra humidity. A bold statement in any home!
Technically, there are a lot of plants out there that answer to the name “Hibiscus” but for the sake of today, we’ll focus on the extra pretty one. The upright, glossy green foliage is stunning on its own, and when you add the large, vibrant blooms that can be solid shades of yellow, orange, red, pink, or multicoloured combinations, well, the words “breathless” and “speechless” come to mind. Prune the branches lightly to keep its shape, and mist for extra humidity to keep it extra happy. Often available in bush or tree forms.
These colourful vines are being grouped together because, thanks to years of cross-breeding and genetic tweaking, they are pretty much the same plant. Their long tendrils will need some sort of support to grow on, like bamboo stakes or a trellis. Their dark green foliage serves as the perfect backdrop for dramatic, trumpet-shaped blooms in bright shades of red, white, or pink. Perfect as a houseplant, they can also be the star in outdoor planters surrounded by trailing annuals! Let them dry slightly, and trim the branches to keep the plant full and bushy.
Passion Flower
A flower so extraordinary, they take the word “exotic” to the extreme! Their blooms often start off with a base layer of white petals, then a distinct circle of purple or red threads, and topped off with a double-layered yellow stamen that looks like a starfish and a triangle are playing piggy-back. They are so unique they are almost beyond explanation, and their strong, climbing tendrils and green foliage add even more drama! Let them dry slightly and check them often, as they can dry out quicker than other houseplants when in warm, sunny locations.
While its simple white blooms may not blast you with colour like the others in this list, Jasmine’s real beauty lies in its scent! A favourite for perfume and aromatherapy, the small flowers can appear either on long twining vines, while other varieties fall somewhere in between bushy and vine-y. Both will fill your entire room with a heady fragrance, perfect for transporting you to a tranquil teahouse or a tropical mountain; personally, my mind goes to a dim sum restaurant! Let them dry slightly, and trim the branches to keep plants looking full and bushy.
African Violet
A classic! Clusters of brightly coloured blooms, along with its compact growth habit, makes the African Violet a perfect option for shelves and tabletops. Place in bright but indirect sunlight and let it dry slightly between deep waterings – use room temperature water aimed directly at the soil to avoid marking its distinct fuzzy leaves.
Easy care with long lasting colour! The large, heart-shaped spathes come in a range of colours from red, pink, white, or the rare shades of orange or purple. All their colours, especially the red shades, can last for months! They perform best in medium to bright light but avoid placing them in the hot summer sun which can burn their shiny green foliage. Let them dry out slightly between deep waterings, and mist daily for added humidity.
Add an instant tropical feel to your home! These large colourful bracts can last for months and come in a wide range of vibrant shades including red, pink, purple, and yellow. Each bromeliad flowers just once; after they’re done blooming, they’ll start to produce baby “pups” from the sides of their crown which can be removed and repotted, once they’re big enough. Keep them in a bright spot and let them dry slightly between deep waterings.
Crown of Thorns
Combine beautiful blooms with sharp spikes with this unique tropical houseplant! Clusters of small white or pink blooms “crown” the green foliage but watch out! Under those leaves are thick stems covered with sharp thorns – hence the name! They flower regularly in bright locations and prefer to dry out well between deep waterings.
Peace Lily
Clean Air plant with gorgeous blooms! The bright white hooded blooms stand out over their lush glossy green foliage. Peace lilies can tolerate most light conditions, though they’ll produce more blooms in medium to high light. Their wide leaves are fantastic just on their own and are one of the best houseplants for cleaning the air in your home! Let them dry out slightly between deep waterings.
Shrimp Plant
Tall stems of arching blooms really do look like white or pink shrimp! The bushy green foliage looks amazing just on its own and can be easily pruned to keep it looking full and lush. Typically blooms during the long sunny days of late spring and summer. Place in bright light and allow to dry slightly between deep waterings.
Rare and unusual! Their tubular blooms come in a range of vibrant colours including purple, red, white, and even blue! The long green foliage is soft and velvety just like its cousin the African Violet; avoid cold water on those fuzzy leaves to avoid marking and keep out of direct sunlight to reduce any burns or stress. For best results, place in a sunny but indirect light location and allow to dry slightly between deep waterings. These tropical beauties can be very hard to find and not always available; be sure to buy a pot or two before they’re gone!