Behind the Scenes at Belgian Nursery
The days are starting to get longer, which means spring is getting closer! Check out what’s happening behind the scenes as we prepare for the upcoming seasons!
In Our Tropical Greenhouses
There are lots of Tropical shipments expected in the next few weeks, which means we’re busy making room! Along with shipments from our regular suppliers, there’s a huge truck on its way from Florida filled to the brim with shiny new Houseplants in a wide range of varieties and pot sizes, from trailing Pothos to towering Palms and much more!
The Primula are starting to bloom! If you can’t wait for spring to arrive, these pretty little pots are the perfect way to enjoy vibrant colours in your own home! Choose from bright yellow, deep blue/purple, clear white, multiple shades of pinks, and more! Having trouble deciding? We’ve got potted dish gardens in a wide range of stunning colour combinations, perfect for your tabletops and counters!
The spring products are starting to arrive for the upcoming season, including fertilizers, soil additivies, watering cans, and more! There’s also lots of home and garden décor arriving to fill your indoor and outdoor spaces with gorgeous pieces: metal wall art, metal herons, bird baths, windchimes, gnomes, and so much more!
In Our Annual Greenhouses
We are approaching full speed for spring planting! The Pansy crop has been planted and is growing fast, including solid and mixed planters in a range of colours and sizes – they’ll all be ready in early April!
Our large Banana (Maurelii) crop is planted, and the Alocasia (Elephant Ears) have been potted up into larger pots as both of these grow into huge tropical specimens!
We are very busy pre-filling thousands of pots, trays, hanging baskets, planters, and window boxes in preparation for the planting weeks ahead – we’ll use a mountain of soil, literally! And we’ll need to put all those finished containers and pots somewhere, so we’re turning the heat on (in stages) in the Annual greenhouses as more and more crops are planted.
Did you know that we use the calendar weeks to stay organized? Week 7 and 8 (mid to late Feb) is when we start receiving tiny Annual plugs for our hanging baskets and planters, and they don’t stop coming until late April! First up is our Fuchsia hanging baskets – a favourite for hummingbirds!
While we wait for our Annual plugs to arrive, we’ll start taking cuttings from our “mother/stock” plants for individual pots of German Ivy and Swedish Ivy, plus lots of Citrosa (Citronella) Geraniums to help keep our gardens mosquito-free! Our Spider Plant hanging baskets have tons of babies just waiting to be potted up into smaller pots, or several planted together to make stunning hanging baskets!
Did you know that Belgian seeds most of its own vegetable plants? And we’ve got to start early, beginning with the tomato varieties earmarked for our jumbo 10” pots, plus our hot peppers in individual 4” pots.
By the end of April, the Belgian growing team will have planted over 6000 hanging baskets, hundreds of planters, and of course our 1.5 acres of annuals and vegetable plants. They’ll be ready to view and purchase when Belgian’s Annual greenhouses open on May 1st!
We love this time of year: watching the seeds turn into seedlings, creating and planting the basket combinations, and seeing the benches fill up with new life!
Stay tuned for more behind the scenes!